Tales of the Countryside

Coast & Countryside


Living out in the sticks one cannot ignore that you are surrounded by nature. Natural forms have always been an influence but recently I have turned to the wildlife that lurks in our countryside. When I lived on the farm we were often visited by foxes, rabbits, deer, squirrels and the garden and fields are full of many types of wild birds.

Being located just a stroll from the south downs and a stone’s throw from the Sussex coast has enabled me to create this collection of work, called Tales of the Countryside. I explore not only British Wildlife found locally but also the symbolism within their forms, and myths surrounding them - I invite you to read my blog post ‘Symbolism’ on this subject.

Story pendants


Story pendants are a group of pendants which depict images, or mini dioramas which tell a story. The story might be obvious, but could also be only known to the wearer of the piece. Images that hold deep significance. I use local landmarks and a selection of British wildlife to create symbolism. I love the idea that these pieces can be used to create a tale within a piece, that can be given to a recipient, almost like a piece of folklore. I hold a large collection of stones in stock. Come to my studio to take a look, to organise a studio visit, get in touch.


The pieces you see here are to give an example of designs available (not necessarily in stock). Prices range from £50 - £250 in sterling silver and £100 - £800 in 9ct gold.

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